Monday 9 March 2009

Genuine Fucktards

I can't remember who told me this story. It was one of my male friends. This friend was buying something from a local shop. Outside this shop, he was faced with a drunken, middle-aged, rambling woman. As far as I can remember, she had been trying to procure cigarettes from the shop and other passers-by with no success. Some comical verbal exchange between my friend and this woman took place ( I can't remember the details of it, I heard this story a long time ago), whereby he was left genuinely dumbfounded at the sheer state this woman had got herself into. Alas, he couldn't placate the woman by acquiescing her request for fag as he wasn't a smoker himself.

To his dismay, she continued attempting to communicate with him, not discouraged by her failure to tap a fag. After several minutes of one-sided incoherent ramblings, she said to my friend "Eh, hawd oan.... ur yoo mah son?"

My friend replied "No, i'm not your son, I think you've got me confused with someone else"

To this, she offers "Aw, right ok... aw naw, ah don't huv a son, ah'v goat a daughter"

There really such polarized types of people in the world. There are people who care and worry unreservedly about what people might think of them. How they might come across. How they present themselves. About their "image". Their ego, persona and general idea of themselves they try to project to the world.

And there are people like that.

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